Resultados: 2

    Jala veenilaiendite ja kroonilise venoosse puudulikkuse diagnoosimine ning ravi

    lthough the exact prevalence of chronic venous disease of the lower extremity is unknown, according to studies, lower extremity telangiectasias or varicose veins (CEAP classification C1–C2) and chronic venous insufficiency (CEAP classification C3–C6) occur in 16% of adults (1). Since there are curre...

    Developmental follow-up of children and young people born preterm

    This guideline covers the developmental follow-up of babies, children and young people under 18 years who were born preterm (before 37+0 weeks of pregnancy). It explains the risk of different developmental problems and disorders, and specifies what extra assessments and support children born preterm migh...